
【 問題 U】  次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。

Frank  and  I  ( Chapter 19 )  

“What a splendid bottom you have got ; so plump and so firm . I thought I had a big bottom, but yours is far bigger in every way. ” The governess smiled , and looked very much pleased. “Yes. I have got a big bottom, ” she remarked complacently . ”My husband used to admire it very much.

“Well, it is worthy of admiration, ” said Frances.”I believe men like women to have large bottoms. But talking of bottoms, puts me in mind of whipping. I suppose, during the years you have been a governess, you have birched a good many little bottoms.”

“Yes, many a one. I have birched girls up to seventeen years of age.”

Frances laughed, then she asked, in the most innocent way:

“Were you ever birched when you were a girl?”

“Yes, very often.”

“Were you really” said Frances, as if she were much astonished.

“At a boarding-school, I suppose?”

“I never was at a boarding-school I got all my birching at home. I will tell you. My mother died when I was ten years old, and I was brought up, and educated entirely by my father. He was a stern, hard man; and whenever I failed in my lessons, or committed an offences, he used to lay me across a chair, bare my bottom, and birch me severely. He kept me under discipline until I was seventeen years of age; and he sometimes flogged me till the blood came.

“But I was a strong. girl, and could take an ordinary birching with considerable fortitude. Of course, I used to cry and writhe, but I never screamed unless he birched me hard enough to draw blood. He used to whip me with a full-sized birch rod; a very different thing to the little toy you use when you whip the children.

“Well,” said Frances, smiling, “toy as it is, I don’t think you could bear a dozen smart cuts of it, without crying out.

“Oh, I’m sure I could,” said Miss Martin, with a little laugh.

“I’ll bet you a dozen pairs of gloves to one pair, that you don’t take a dozen cuts in perfect silence,” said Frances, laughing.

“I’ll take the bet. I want some gloves, and I am sure to win them. Get out the toy,” said the governess, also laughing.

Frank and I  第19章 英訳版より


(1) どちらのお尻のほうが大きい ?     ( 2点 )
1. フランシス 2. マーティン
3. 同じくらい 4. わからない
(2) 教師時代、女生徒を尻打った経験     ( 6点 )
1. 全くない 2. 少しだけ
3. たくさん 4. わからない
(3) 少女時代、父親の厳しい罰に     ( 6点 )
1. 泣かなかった 2. よく泣いた
3. 快感だった 4. 激しい屈辱
(4) 本文に出てくる Birch の種目は ?    ( 6点 )
1.  樺 2.  イラクサ
3.  もみ 4.  唐檜
(5) 父親に尻打ちをされた経験     ( 6点 )
1. 殆どない 2. 稀に
3. 時々 4. しょっちゅう
(6) 父親にお尻を打たれた時の姿勢     ( 6点 )
1. 膝の上 2. 前屈み
3. 椅子に腹這 4. 直立

専門分野 ・ わが愛しの妖精フランクについて
(7) フランクが過ごした オークハースト はどこの国?     ( 8点 )
1. イギリス 2. フランス
3. アメリカ 4. カナダ
(8) 映画化された 『 フランシス 』 役の女性は?     ( 15点 )
1. ラクエル・ウェルチ 2. ジェシカ・ラング
3. フィービー・ケイツ 4. ジェニファー・インチ
(9) この書物が刊行された年度に起った出来事     ( 20点 )
1. 日清戦争 2. 日英同盟
3. 日露戦争 4. 日韓併合
(10) 『 Frank and I 』 が米国でTV化された時のタイトルは?     ( 25点 )
1.  Playboy Collection 2.  Francis
3.  Frank and I 4.  Lady Libertine

合計100点満点で 60点以上が合格。 自己採点です (^-^)    

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